Pahal Design Bhopal centre is located at Arena Colony with more than 3000 Square feet area. Every year students from all across Madhya Pradesh Coming to Pahal Design Bhopal Centre. Pahal Design Bhopal is the preferred choice for NID, NIFT, NATA, UCEED, JEE Paper 2 , BFA Coaching Classes. Our Classes are designed keeping […]
Post Tagged with Best NID Coaching in Bhopal, Best NID coaching in India, Best NID coaching in MP, Best NIFT Coaching in Bhopal | No Comments. | Continue Reading...
Shortlisted candidates for Masters Programmes after the written entrance examination are required to undergo a Personal Interview (PI). Candidates shall be evaluated on the various parameters as listed below by a panel, in the Personal Interview: 1) Career orientation 2) Aptness for the course 3) Overall personal achievements in academics and co-curricular activities 4) Communication […]
Post Tagged with Best NIFT MFM Exam Coaching in Delhi, NIFT PI, NIFT PI Classe4s, NIFT PI Coaching, NIFT PI Questions | No Comments. | Continue Reading...
Pahal Design Hauz Khas is now at better location with great infrastructure. The new address for Centre is G-13, G Block Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016 at Ground Floor. Pahal Design Hauz Khas centre is just 5 minutes away from Hauz Khas Metro Station. Hauz Khas centre is 500m from NIFT, Delhi Campus. Pahal Design offering […]
Post Tagged with Best NIFT coaching in Delhi, Best Pearl coaching in Delhi, NIFT Coaching in Hauz Khas, NIFT coaching in South Delhi, NIFT Interview Coaching, NIFT M.Des Coaching, NIFT MFM Coaching, NIFT MFtech Coaching, NIFT Personal Interview Coaching In Delhi | No Comments. | Continue Reading...
Pahal Design Institute has been providing best coaching for NID, NIFT, NATA, UCEED, BFA Coaching from last 25 Years. Pahal Design is the original pioneer in conducting coaching classes for preparation of the Entrance exams of : Design Colleges: NID, NIFT, CEED, UCEED Architecture Colleges: NATA, JEE (B.Arch.), MAH-AR-CET, CEPT, APIED Fine Art colleges : MSU, […]
The National Institute of Fashion technology (NIFT) has announced the results of the NIFT 2023. To check your results, log into the result portal using your email id and password. The final results for B.Des and M.Des courses will be prepared by giving weightage to CAT, GAT, and Situation Test/ Personal Interview. Meanwhile, the final […]
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IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES 1. This Admit Card is provisional & subject to changes/modifications. Candidates are advised to follow the NIFT website, notifications, information bulletin & check their mailbox on the registered E-mail address and SMS in their registered Mobile No. for any latest updates and information. 2. Candidates are suggested to visit the examination […]
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Here is a list of questions that have been asked and you should prepare: 1.Why MFM or Masters of Fashion Management ? 2.Why National Institute of Fashion Technology or NIFT? 3.Questions from Graduation? 4.Where do you see yourself in a few years from now. 5.Define Fashion ? 6.How would you contribute to the fashion […]
Post Tagged with Best NIFT coaching in Delhi, Best NIFT MFM M Des GD PI Coaching, Best NIFT MFM MDes Coaching in Mumbai, Fashion design institutes in Delhi, NIFT Coaching in Hauz Khas, NIFT Coaching In Lucknow, NIFT coaching in South Delhi, NIFT Interview Coaching, NIFT Interview Questions, NIFT MFtech Coaching, NIFT PI Questions | No Comments. | Continue Reading...
Set up in 1986, NIFT is the pioneering institute of fashion education in the country and has been in the vanguard of providing professional human resource to the textile and apparel industry. It was made a statutory institute in 2006 by an Act of the Indian Parliament with the President of India as ‘Visitor’ and […]
Post Tagged with NIFT 2025, NIFT Coaching in Delhi NCR, NIFT COACHING IN INDIA, NIFT Coaching in Noida, NIFT Exam Papers | 1 Comment. | Continue Reading...
Who is this for? Many students those are not able to attend our classroom coaching classes of NIFT B.Des | M.Des | MFM | M.Ftech | B.Ftech so for them we have designed a comprehensive study material as per the requirement of entrance exams. The techniques which we have discussed in study material is easiest […]
Post Tagged with Best NIFT Study Material, NIFT B. Des Guide Books, NIFT B.Design Result 2017, NIFT M.Des Study Material, NIFT MFM Study Material, NIFT Mftech Study Material, NIFT STUDY MATERIAL | 2 Comments. | Continue Reading...
The National Institute of Fashion Technology is a leader in fashion education with the ability to integrate knowledge, traditional arts, contemporary thought, academic freedom, innovations in design & technology and creative thinking to continuously upgrade its curriculum to address the changing needs of the industry. Its history of more than three decades at the pinnacle […]
Post Tagged with Best NIFT coaching in Delhi, Best NIFT Coaching in Jharkhand, Best Pearl coaching in Delhi, Fashion design institutes in Delhi, NIFT CAT and GAT books, nift coaching in Delhi, NIFT Coaching in Gurgaon, NIFT Coaching in Hauz Khas, NIFT Coaching In Lucknow, NIFT Coaching in Noida, NIFT coaching in Pitampura, NIFT MFM Coaching | 2 Comments. | Continue Reading...