1. Draw a scenery showing you attending online class while showing your sibling is distracting you with reference to the figure ( it was a door slightly opening ) – 15 Marks 2. We had to make a comic strip of knots and crosses being characters from the game tic tax toe in 6 stages […]
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23rd May 2017, NIFT B. Design Result is declared and this year cutoff is high comparatively last year. Last Year from Pahal Design Neha Mishra, AIR-1, B.Design, Marks 82.10 and Richa Agarwal, AIR-7, B.Design, Marks 80.10 got this rank. Number of Applicants is increasing day by day as Design has more scope and opportunities in […]
Post Tagged with Design Entrance Exam Coaching, Fashion Design Institutes in Coaching, NID Coaching, NIFT B.Design Result 2017, NIFT Coaching, nift coaching in Delhi, NIFT coaching in Kolkata, NIFT Result 2017 | No Comments. | Continue Reading...