What is the pattern of NATA examination? NATA 2021 is a 3 hour (180 minutes) test within which 125 questions have to be answered. There will be 1 mark, 2 marks and 3 marks questions. Candidates will have to answer 75 one mark questions, 25 two marks questions and 25 three marks questions as outlined […]
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About NATA 2020 National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is being conducted by COA since 2006, in terms of the provisions of CoA (Minimum Standards of Architectural Education) Regulations, 1983, published in the Gazette of India. It is implied that a separate aptitude test in Architecture should be conducted and such test should not be […]
Post Tagged with Best NATA Coaching in Lucknow, NATA 2020, NATA Coaching in Ahmedabad, NATA COACHING IN DELHI, NATA Coaching in Kolkata, nata coaching in Lucknow, NATA Exam 2020, NATA Exam Pattern, NATA Exam questions, NATA revised exam pattern | No Comments. | Continue Reading...
In view of the prevalent situation in the country arising out of pandemic Corona Virus (COVID-19), the competent authority of the Council of Architecture has decided to postpone the ensuing First Test of NATA 2020 examination scheduled for August 01, 2020. Further, Council of Architecture, considering the threat of COVID-19 and keeping in mind […]
Post Tagged with Best Architecture coaching in Ahmedabad, Best NATA Coaching in Ahmedabad, best nata coaching in delhi, Best NATA coaching in Hauz Khas, Best NATA Coaching in India, Best NATA Coaching in Lucknow, Best NATA Coaching in Pitampura, Best NATA coaching in Preet Vihar, Best NATA Coaching in Pune, Best NATA Coaching in South Ex, NATA Coaching in Chandigarh, NATA Coaching in Mumbai, NATA Crash Course, NATA Exam 2020, NATA Exam Dates, NATA Exam Pattern, NATA Syllabus | No Comments. | Continue Reading...