1. This Admit Card is provisional & subject to changes/modifications. Candidates are advised to follow the NIFT website,
notifications, information bulletin & check their mailbox on the registered E-mail address and SMS in their registered Mobile
No. for any latest updates and information.
2. Candidates are suggested to visit the examination venue, a day in advance, so that they can reach the venue on time on the day of the examination.
3. Candidates are required to present the following documents to the examination officials, for identity verification:
A. Admit Card downloaded from the NIFT website (a clear preferably colour printout on A4 size paper)
B. Any one of these original and valid Photo Identification Proof issued by the government — Passport/Aadhaar Card
(With photograph)/E- Aadhaar/Voter Card / Driving License.
Note: No Candidate would be allowed to enter the Examination Centre, without valid identity proof & verification.
4. Candidates are requested to carry their own Pen/ Pencil / Erasers /Ruler (In a transparent pouch). Candidates appearing for
CAT also need to carry their Colouring & Drawing material. For CAT a physical Question Booklet with space for responses
will be provided at the Centre. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry any personal belongings [except those listed above]
including electronic devices, mobile phone and other banned materials listed in the Information Bulletin/ NIFT Website / NIFT
Notice, to the Examination Centre. Examination Officials will not be responsible for safe keep of personal belongings and
can also debar the candidate for carrying any banned items.
5. Candidates should reach the Venue well before the reporting time given in the Admit Card. No candidate will be allowed
inside if he/she does not adhere to the reporting time.
6. Candidates are to sit at the designated seat allocated by the Centre Head. They can login using the credentials given on
their Admit Card and read instructions, before the commencement of the examination. In case of any issues they can report
the same immediately to the Invigilator. Candidate will be able to start ONLY after the Examination is started as per schedule
by the Centre Head. An announcement will also be made to that effect once the test is started.
7. Candidates will NOT be permitted to leave the Examination Room/Hall before the end of the examination. After the
completion of the examination, candidates should hand over their Question Booklet, Answer Sheets & Rough sheet to the
invigilator on duty (CAT Only).
8. An electronic attendance will be taken by the invigilator by scanning the QR Code of the Admit card carried by the candidate.
9. No Candidate should adopt any unfair-means, or indulge in any unfair examination practices. Speaking to others / Over
seeing another person’s responses / screen, trying to open other applications on the PC, carrying any form of electronic
device / peripheral / accessory, not obeying the instructions of the Centre Head / Invigilator are all fit ground for cancellation
of your examination.
10. Appearing for both GAT and CAT is mandatory. If a candidate does not appear for one or the other he/she will not be
shortlisted for the Situation Test/ PI (Personal Interview).
11. General Ability Test (GAT) is a Computer Based Test & Creative Ability Test (CAT) is a Paper Based Test.
For any further details. connect us at 880022-6864.