Pahal Design
  • NID B.Des 2021 Exam Questions

    March 17, 2021 /  Category B.Des / GDPD, CEED, Design Entrance Exam, Design Exam, M.Des, NID B.Des Study Material, NID Entrance, U-CEED /   Posted by /   No Comments.

    1. Draw a scenery showing you attending online class while showing your sibling is distracting you with reference to the figure ( it was a door slightly opening ) – 15 Marks
    2. We had to make a comic strip of knots and crosses being characters from the game tic tax toe in 6 stages with dialogues – 6 Marks
    3. there was a picture of a black sphere in the desert with clouds and we had to make a short story of it in 3 stages without adding any elements or changing the setting. 9 Marks
    4. Anti bullying poster making . 15 Marks
    5. Instruction manual on how to make a cup of tea. 15 Marks

    1). Choose 3 options from list of old media to new media and depict transition through visual narration the transition.
    I choose, Book->Ebooks, Music-> Spotify, journalism->blogs

    2). Design a robot for bank to help consumers with token generation, queries etc in 3 frame.

    3). Draw a dynamic logo for a mobile phone Company.

    4). Design a transmedia campaign for Consumer Rights Awareness

    1). Write a dialogue b/w you and your fren formulating your argument on Three Farm laws
    2). Depict a scene visually through words of a student stuck in traffic at junction while getting late for exam
    3). Write a story on a person stuck in house alone in lockdown, and how insecurities/fears are rising

    Product design-

    1st question design a product for storage of vaccines to have temperature of 2-5°.

    2nd draw a poster for vaccination
    3rd draw a composition of you taking a selfie with your smart phone ,
    4th Show a story board of conversation between charger and phone.
    5th design an AU electronic product to help and assist old people
    There was one more question which I can’t recall right now..

    Interaction Design –

    1) Draw a headphone showing volume change and song change feature,.

    2) poster design on healthy lifestyle during pandemic

    3) content of above to be shown in SMS, Public space etc

    4) draw a headphone in the same design language as that of a Radio shown in figure

    5) Design a lamp for millennials and receive it’s features


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