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  • Why Study Design Abroad ?

    Posted on November 12, 2020 by Pahal Design in New Updates

    Why Study Design Abroad ?

    Why Study Design Abroad ?


    “It will change your life. You’ll come back a new person.” For years, the benefits of study abroad have been described in these words. Everyone in the study abroad field believed it could greatly impact a student’s life, but the exact long-term benefits were unknown—until now.

    The first large-scale survey to explore the long-term impact of study abroad on a student’s personal, professional, and academic life shows that study abroad positively and unequivocally influences the career path, world-view, and self-confidence of students.

    International experiences – especially long-term experiences such as a semester or year abroad – provide lasting benefits that shape an individuals life both personally and professionally. Beyond the obvious reasons to study abroad such as opportunities to see the world and experience other cultures, there are true benefits to those experiences.

    Personal Growth
    • Language acquisition or improvement
    • Understanding of your personal heritage
    • Understanding of your own culture and values
    • Increased independence and self reliance
    • Increase self confidence
    • Enhanced academic interest
    Professional Growth
    • Develop leadership skills
    • Advance your career
    • Stand out amongst other graduates with skills that can only be gained through international experience
    • Cross cultural communication
    Today’s competitive job market

    In today’s global economy, study abroad can be a defining element to every student’s undergraduate degree. Many companies increasingly desire leaders with the ability to live successfully in a variety of countries and work with people of various cultural backgrounds. Study abroad can provide the structure for students to acquire these skills and give them an edge over the competition. The distinction of having studied in a foreign country for a session, semester, or year can be invaluable to your student’s future career in today’s competitive job market.


    During the students’ time overseas, they will undoubtedly encounter unexpected situations that will allow them to develop self-sufficiency and independence. The more times participants successfully navigate such situations, the more confident they will become in their ability to fend for themselves. Opportunities to take weekend trips to different cities, traveling before or after the program, and even daily life will teach valuable lessons. By the end of the program, most families notice a definite change in how independent and responsible their student is becoming.

    It is also important for students to learn what it means to be a member of their native culture. They may find themselves challenging long-held beliefs. They will discover many surprising differences and similarities between their native culture and that of the program site.

    What Business People Have to Say about the Value of Study Abroad

    “International education ignites a passion for understanding other people and their perspectives. That’s one important benefit to working or studying abroad – and it’s essential to success in our increasingly diverse world. Students with international exposure come to understand the value of dialogue between people from different cultures and between people with different points of view. They also gain an understanding of the importance of relationships. Relationships are the foundation for meaning and success in life. They are also the foundation for strong businesses, especially businesses that care about creating mutual benefit.”

    Douglass H. Daft
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
    The Coca Cola Company

    How Pahal can help you?

    Studying abroad is not merely about researching the net, filling in application forms and sending them to universities you have heard of. The admission is a complex process involving lot of queries, issues, and formalities that need to be looked into, understood, completed and followed through. Slightest of the mistakes or any loop holes in the application process can lead to the candidature being rejected.
    We provide individual attention to your applications, ensuring that you submit an error free and well presented application. The Letter of Recommendation and Statement of Purpose play an important role in the application process. Our experienced counselors oversee the written works and help edit and polish those for final submission. Portfolio assessment is the most important step in the admission process. Pahal assists you in crossing this bar by conducting portfolio development workshops.

    Contact – 8800226864 for more Details or come Pahal study centre.