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  • NIFT Situation Test Tips

    Posted on May 26, 2020 by Pahal Design in New Updates

    Tips for Write Up in NIFT Situation Test

    1. Doodles your concept first.
    2. Rough sketch your idea on the write up paper by using the materials given in the test packet by NIFT.
    3. Write the Keywords which come in your mind while doodling your 3D model.
    4. Think during your preparation a nice and creative and easy memorable TOPIC/TITTLE for your 3D model. TOPIC must be not cross 3 to 4 words.
    5. Don’t use your Running Handwriting in the write up. It should be in neat and Clean Handwriting so it can be easily readable for the invigilator.
    7. After writing your title, try to give one EMOTIONAL THOUGHT to your write up from your experience which you learn during your study and from your daily life. It can be in one line or two lines.
    8. Put your concern towards awareness by your 3D models. 
    9. Try to target specially youth/kids for your 3D model. Because they are the most powerful target to change the world.
    10. Try to show the interest why you chosen the particular topic from the given 3 topics.
    11. Write all the concern for your topic POINT WISE.
    12. Why you picked up particular materials for your 3D model design.
    13. How they aesthetically approaching to your 3D model.
    14. The SHAPE you are using in the model what they locate.
    15.  The COLOUR Paper which you picked for your 3D model how they are giving the dynamics to your 3D model.
    16. The Texture Paper or other different materials which you used in your 3D model how they aesthetically approaching your 3D model.
    17. You can paste the materials small pieces before briefing your idea towards the materials, shapes, texture, patterns.
    18. After finishing your write up try to put your concern regarding your believe in your design which you are making in the NIFT Situation test. How your 3D product will help people to spread more awareness in the society.   
    Pahal Design NIFT B.DES Toppers 2019