National Aptitude Test for Architecture
Pahal Design is a pioneer Architecture Entrance Exams Coaching, offers National Aptitude Test for Architecture – NATA coaching in Delhi NCR, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Patna, Bhopal, Lucknow, Dehradun & Ranchi Centres. Since to clear NATA, there are two-stage tests, first is Drawing Test & second is Aptitude Test. So we offer complete preparation of NATA Drawing Test & NATA Aptitude Test both. We have a dedicated team of experts, who have long experience in NATA Coaching & preparation as each year; we are maintaining our legacy of NATA success. We stand out as best coaching for NATA Entrance Exam preparation in Delhi & across other study centres in India.
Why join Pahal Design for NATA Coaching Classes?
- Pahal has the highest result percentage in India and Presence 28 Centres across India
- 26 Years of Academic Excellence and more than 14000 students at
different design and architecture colleges.
- Pahal has the best team from different area of expertise like Design, Fine Arts, Architecture and Management Field.
- Best Infrastructure Wi-Fi campus, Computer lab, Library, Projector, AC classroom to give our best to the students and unique way of Teaching.
- Interaction with SPA/IIT/CEPT/NATA Alumni to get an idea about exam pattern.
- Doubt clearing session and class test once in a week.
- Regularly updated study material
- Online Test Series and Mock Tests for JEE ARCH and NATA, so that students can manage their time during exam.
- Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC and talented Candidates and extra classes for weak students
- Motivational classes for building self confidence of the students
- Revision classes in a month to recalled what they have learned.
- Outdoor sketching to understand more about Composition & Perspective.
- Pahal offers Regular, Weekend, Crash course, considers school and college timings for batch as per student convenient.
Important Dates for NATA 2025
The candidates need to indicate their preference of the city/region and date of the test while registering at NATA portal www.nata. in. The session during which the candidate will take the test as well as the Test Centres, shall be allotted by the Council, as far as possible, based on cities/ regions preferred by the candidate in the application form. However, the decision of the Council in allotting the Test Centre and session to candidates shall be final.
The Tests shall be conducted as per the schedule as given below:
Date & Time of Examination. NATA 2025 commencing from: 01-03-2025 onwards till June 2025
FRIDAYS No Morning Session |
Afternoon Session: 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm (180 mins / 3.0 hours) |
SATURDAYS Morning Session: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 pm (180 mins /3.0 hours) |
Afternoon Session: 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm (180 mins / 3.0 hours) |
About NATA 2025
National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is being conducted by COA since 2006, in terms of the provisions of CoA (Minimum Standards of Architectural Education) Regulations, 1983, published in the Gazette of India.
NATA 2023 will be conducted as a comprehensive computer-based aptitude test at the Council allotted centers in identified cities in the country.
Unlike any other entrance examination, NATA is an Aptitude test that assesses a candidate’s innate ability through a variety of testing formats and cannot be taught, learnt or induced.
NATA measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e. Architecture, through assessment of cognitive skills, visual perception and aesthetic sensitivity
tests, logical reasoning and critical thinking ability, etc., besides the learning that the candidate has acquired over the past few years and is related to the specific field of study.
With the objective of giving opportunities to a greater number of bright aspirants to
join Architecture, Council will be conducting NATA-2023 for admission to B.Arch. in the academic session 2023- 2024 thrice this year. The Tests shall be conducted on different dates as computer-based examinations. Candidates are allowed to appear for up to 3 NATA tests.
In case a candidate appears for 2 Tests, best of the 2 scores shall be the valid score and in the case of 3 attempts, valid score shall be average of the 2 best scores.
Examination shall be conducted in two sessions on the date of the Test, subject to number of candidates registered for the session. The candidates need to indicate their preference for session & city of examination while registering at NATA portal www.nata. in. The session during which the candidate will take the test as well as the Test Centre shall be allotted by the Council, as far as possible, on the basis of preferences provided by
the candidate in the application form. The decision of the Council in allotting Test Centre and session to candidates shall be final.
Pattern of Questions
The aptitude test of NATA may comprise questions of Multiple-Choice type (MCQ), Multiple Select type (MSQ), Preferential Choice type (PCQ) and Numerical Answer type (NAQ) and Match the following type (MFQ)
The questions will carry 1 mark, 2 marks or 3 marks and 125 questions have to be answered in 180 minutes. The medium of Aptitude test will be essentially English language. Some questions may be in regional languages also.
The aptitude of the candidate will be assessed using some or all of the following techniques:
- Diagrammatic Reasoning – Tests the ability of logical reasoning, using diagrams and scenarios
- Numerical Reasoning – Tests mathematical ability through simple problems
- Verbal Reasoning – Assesses the ability to assess verbal logic.
- Inductive Reasoning – Tests the ability to see patterns and analyse given data
- Situational Judgment – Tests problem-solving ability.
- Logical Reasoning – Tests ability to recognise patterns, sequences or relationships between shapes and imagery.
- Abstract Reasoning – Will assess general knowledge, and ability to utilise knowledge in new situations.Questions could be asked in various topics that assess candidates on basic concepts
in mathematics, physics and geometry, language and interpretation, elements and principles of design, aesthetic sensitivity, colour theory, lateral thinking and logical reasoning, visual perception and cognition, graphics and imagery, building anatomy and architectural vocabulary, basic techniques of building construction and knowledge of material, general knowledge and current affairs, etc. and are may not be limited to those outlined.Application Fee for NATA –2023:
Application Fee for NATA – 2023
(Through Electronic Payment Gateway (EPG) on NATA Portal)
Fee for any Individual Test (Test 1 Or Test 2 Or Test 3)
Fee for any Two Tests
(Test 1 & Test 2 Or Test 2 & Test 3 Or Test 1& Test 3)4000
Combined Fee of Test 1, 2 and 3
Processing charges and Goods & Service Taxes (GST) are to be borne by the candidate, as applicable.
Note: Multiple Application Forms submitted by a candidate for the same Test will not be accepted at any cost and are liable to be rejected without any refund.
The Application Fee shall be non-refundable in all cases.
Important Documents
- NATA 2025 Brochure
- ICICI Bank Challan: candidate can generate the challan for depositing the payment through cash in any of the branches of the ICICI Bank all over India.
- ICICI Bank Branch List
- B. Arch Colleges List
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who have completed their 10 + 2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or 10+ 3 Diploma with Mathematics as subject of study can appear for NATA 2023. Candidates appearing for 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects of study or 10+3 Diploma with Mathematics in the current year may also provisionally appear for NATA-2023.
Candidates may note that NATA 2023 is the qualifier for admission to B.Arch. program offered by Universities/ Institutions in the country, subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria as prescribed by the Council. The eligibility criteria are outlined in Clause 5.2 of this brochure.
Who should take NATA and Why?
Prospective applicants desirous of taking admission to the First year of an undergraduate course in Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture) in India take NATA. NATA scores are used by admissions authorities of different Governments, Govt. Aided & unaided schools/colleges of Architecture, to provide common measures for comparing the qualifications of applicants, for admission in addition to their scholastic performance in 10+2 or equivalent examination.
Drawing Test
The candidate has to attempt three questions within 135 minutes. The drawing aptitude is judged on the following aspects –
Ability to sketch a given object proportionately and render the same in a visually appealing manner;
Visualising and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on surroundings;
Sense of perspective drawing;
Combining and composing given three-dimensional elements to form a building or structural form;
Creating interesting two-dimensional composition using given shapes and forms;
Creating visual harmony using colors in given composition;
Understanding of scale and proportions;
Drawing from memory through pencil sketch on themes from day to day experiences.
The Answer to each question in the ‘drawing’ paper will be examined by more than one examiner independently and the marks will be averaged. The primary emphasis in scoring the drawing section will be on the candidate’s drawing, imagination, and observation skills. The candidate’s sense of proportion and perspective will also be evaluated together with a sense of color and composition.
Download NATA Sample Papers
Where to appear for NATA?
NATA is offered over major part of admission season at designated Test Centers located at colleges / schools of architecture in India. Updated list of Test centers is available at the website
Cancellation, Rescheduling the Test Appointment & Refund
Appointment once scheduled cannot be cancelled or rescheduled. There will be no refund of NATA test fees under any conditions.
Information For All Candidates
The candidate must have an acceptable and valid Identification Document (ID) details of which are mentioned on the appointment voucher, with signature, and appointment voucher to be admitted to a Test Center. ID requirements are strictly enforced. It is the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand the instructions and requirements.
- Report to the test center at least 1 hour before the scheduled time of the test.
- If the candidate arrives at the Test Center without the required identification documents
- The Test Center in charge will not admit the candidate and the candidate will not be allowed to take the test
- In addition the candidate will forfeit the test fee.
- NAME CHANGES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. If the candidate’s name has changed for any reason, including marriage, the candidate still must present primary identification in the name under which he/she made the appointment, otherwise, the candidate will not be permitted to appear in the test. Marriage certificates and divorce decrees cannot be used to confirm name differences.
- If the Test Center in-charge questions the ID proof the candidate presents, the candidate will be required to present additional proof of identity. If positive confirmation cannot be made, the candidate may be refused admission to the Test Center and the candidate will forfeit the test fee paid.
- Test Center personnel will check the candidate’s identification before assigning the candidate a seat at the Test Center. The administrator will check to verify that the candidate is the person in his photo identification. The test center in-charge will repeat this procedure before and after all breaks.
- Admittance to the Test Center does not imply that the candidate’s form of identification is valid or that the candidate’s scores will be reported. All reported cases of questionable identification are subject to review and approval by the Competent Authority of Testing Integrity.
Acceptable Primary Identification Documents
A government-issued identification document that has not expired (including but not limited to passport, permanent driver’s license, state ID cards, national identification, UID card) in original. There are some exceptions: see Unacceptable Identification Documents (10.2).
- Std XII exam admit card with photo and signature (in original) for candidates awaiting
- 10+2 or equivalent exam with Physics, Chemistry and Maths results.
- Student ID card from the institute where he / she is currently enrolled AND Confirmation of identity letter from the candidate’s educational institution (in original).
Acceptable Supplemental Identification Documents If the candidate’s primary identification is missing either a photo or a signature, he / she must present one of the following supplemental IDs in addition to the primary ID. Supplemental IDs that can be used to meet the photo and/or signature requirements are:
- A government-issued identification document that has not expired (including but not limited to passport, driver’s license, state ID cards, national identification). There are some exceptions: see Unacceptable Identification Documents (9.2).
- Confirmation of identity letter from the candidate’s educational institution.
- The confirmation of identity letter must contain the candidate’s date of birth; a recent, recognizable photo; the candidate’s signature; and the date issued.
The Confirmation Of Identity Letter Must Be Typed On The Original Letterhead Of The Educational Institution The Candidate Attend(Ed), And The Signature Of The School Official And The School Seal Must Overlap The Candidate’s Photo. A Letter Of Identity Is Valid For Only One Year From The Date Of Issue.Unacceptable Identification Documents
- Any expired ID.
- Credit card of any kind.
- Learner’s driving license or any temporary identification document.
- Notary-prepared letter or document.
- Employee identification card.
- Photocopies (Attested / unattested) of the acceptable identification documents
What to Bring With You to the Test
- Official identification document mentioned on the appointment voucher.
- The appointment voucher – The appointment voucher is issued to the candidate at the time of registration. The appointment voucher confirms the candidate’s test date, time of test and Test Center. The voucher will also show Candidate ID and Appointment Number with Exam Key.
- Three or four sharpened soft-lead (2B & HB) pencils and a good eraser (Pencils and erasers will not be supplied at the Test Center). Mechanical pencils (Clutch pencils) are not permitted.
- Set of colours (Water/ Poster colours, crayons, pastels) with appropriate instruments.
- (Brushes, dish, etc.).
- Geometry instrument box
- Blue ink pen / Blue ink ball point pen
Test Center Procedures and Regulations for both Paper- Based and Computer-Based Tests
- Dress so that you can adapt to any room temperature.
- Friends or relatives who accompany the candidate to the Test Center will not be permitted to wait in the Test Center or be in contact with the candidate while he / she is taking the test.
- Except for COA-authorized observers, visitors are not allowed in the testing room while test is in progress.
- ID verification at the Test Center may include thumb printing, iris scan, photographing, videotaping, or other form of electronic ID confirmation. If the candidate refuses to participate, he / she will not be permitted to appear for the test and the candidate will forfeit the test fee. This is in addition to the requirement that the candidate must present acceptable and valid identification.
- Other than ID, personal items are not allowed in the testing room. Before the test, the candidate will receive instructions from Test Center staff regarding where the candidate must deposit items such as mobile phones, PDAs, digital music players, MP3 players, calculators, or any other electronic devices with memory, handbags, and study materials. The candidate may also be asked to empty his/ her pockets. The candidate may not have access to his/ her personal items during the test or break.
- Test Centers assume no responsibility for personal belongings.
- The test administrator will assign the candidate a seat.
- No candidate will be given additional time if he reaches late for the test. He has to complete the test as per the schedule given in his appointment voucher.
- Electrical supply failure, internet connectivity failure, weather conditions, or other circumstances beyond the test administrator’s or COA’s control may require a delayed start or the rescheduling of the test appointment. In the event that it is then necessary to cancel the test session, or if it is later determined that the candidate’s marks could not be reported, the candidate will be offered the opportunity to schedule another test appointment free of charge.
- On reporting for the test and establishing the candidate’s identity, he/ she will be asked to log on to the computer system and request a test.
- A question paper consisting of two questions – freehand drawing and memory sketch, will be generated and printed for the candidate. Test Center supervisor will hand over the printout along with drawing paper (Answer sheet) with a preprinted barcode to the candidate and lead him/her to the testing room.
- Paper of any kind, other than officially distributed, is not permitted in the testing room.
- The candidate must have the supervisor’s permission to leave the room during the test. Any time lost cannot be made up.
- The candidate may wish to pace himself/herself with his / her own watch, but the supervisor is the official timekeeper. The candidate will not be permitted to continue the test or any part of it beyond the established time limit. Watch alarms and clocks on mobile phones are not permitted.
- At the conclusion of the test the candidate will be required to return the answer sheet (drawing paper) and question paper to the test supervisor. These materials are the property of COA.
- The candidate shall attempt the question on the drawing paper supplied by the test center on the side where a barcode is printed. The Appointment number, Candidate ID, and test center stamp with the supervisor’s signature shall be on the reverse side of the paper. Under no circumstances the candidate will write anything on the barcode side of the answer sheet.
- Computer based test will be given after completing the Paper-based test. It begins at log-in and ends at log-out.
- The Test center in charge will provide the candidate with a rough paper that may be replaced after the candidate has used all pages of the rough paper initially given to the candidate. The candidate may not take his/ her own rough paper to the test, nor may the candidate remove the rough paper from the testing room at any time. A rough paper is provided to assist the candidate in working out problems and for appropriate note-taking during timed sections of the test.
- If the candidate needs to leave his / her seat at any time, he/she must raise his / her hand for permission; the timing of the section will not stop.
- If at any time during the test the candidate has a problem with his / her computer, or for any reason needs the attention of the administrator, the candidate shall raise his/ her hand.
- All the Test center premises are under electronic surveillance and are subject to video recording and/ or any other type of Surveillance.
- NATA includes an optional 10-minute break after the Drawing section. This break time cannot be exceeded.
- When the test gets disrupted because of failure of internet connectivity or electricity supply failure, the candidate can resume the test from the point of disruption onwards if resumed within four hours. In case of disruption lasts for more than four hours the candidate may have to give the entire test again.
Dismissals from a Test Center
A test center in-charge/supervisor is authorized to dismiss the candidate from a test session and/or the candidate’s marks may be cancelled by COA for actions such as, but not limited to
- Attempting to take the test for someone else or having someone else take the test for the candidate.
- Failing to provide acceptable identification.
- Obtaining improper access to the test, a part of the test, or information about the test.
- Using a telephone or mobile phone, personal digital assistants (pda), digital music players, mp3 players, or any other electronic device having memory during the test session or during breaks.
- Using any aids in connection with the test, such as: mechanical pencils, pagers, beepers, calculators, watch calculators, books, pamphlets, notes, rulers, highlighter pens, stereos or radios with headphones/ earphones, telephones, cell phones, watch alarms (including those with flashing lights or alarm sounds), stop watches, dictionaries, translators, and any hand-held electronic or photographic devices.
- Creating a disturbance (disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated; the test administrator has sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior).
- Attempting to give or receive assistance – or otherwise communicate in any manner with another person about the content of the test during the administration, during breaks, or after the test.
- Removing or attempting to remove test content from the Test Center. Under no circumstances may test content or any part of the test content be removed, reproduced, and/or disclosed by any means (e.g., hard copy, verbally, electronically) to any person or entity
- Tampering with a computer.
- Attempting to remove the rough paper from the computer-based testing room.
- Bringing a weapon or firearm into the Test Center.
- Bringing food, drink, or tobacco into the testing room.
- Leaving the Test Center vicinity during the test session or during breaks.
- Leaving the testing room without permission.
- Taking excessive or extended unscheduled breaks during the test session. Test Center Supervisors are required to strictly monitor unscheduled breaks and report the candidates who take excessive or extended breaks.
- Referring to, looking through, or working on any test, or test section, when not authorized to do so, or working after time has been called
- Failing to follow any of the test administration regulations contained in this bulletin, given by the test administrator or specified in any test materials.
- If the counterfoils of the appointment voucher are already signed.
COA reserves the right to take all action – including, but not limited to, asking the candidate to appear again at the same or different test center, barring the candidate from future testing and/or canceling the candidate’s scores/ marks – for failure to comply with test administration regulations or the test administrator’s directions. If the candidate’s scores/ marks are canceled, they will not be reported and the candidate’s fees will not be refunded. Candidates may report any irregularities under strict confidence to COA by sending an email to [email protected]. It is mandatory to provide the Name of the Candidate, Candidate ID, and Appointment Number in the complaint. Anonymous complaints will not be entertained. All disputes pertaining to the conduct of NATA shall fall within the jurisdiction of Courts in Delhi only.
Test Content
The test is in two parts. A paper based drawing test and computer based online aesthetic sensitivity test. The test measures aptitude of the candidate through two sections – a paper based section for drawing and computer based section for aesthetic sensitivity. Drawing Test This is a two hour paper where candidate has to attempt three questions. The drawing aptitude is judged on the following aspects –
- Ability to sketch a given object proportionately and rendering the same in visually appealing manner.
- Visualising and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on surroundings.
- Sense of perspective drawing
- Combining and composing given three dimensional elements to form a building or structural form.
- Creating interesting two dimensional composition using given shapes and forms.
- Creating visual harmony using colours in given composition.
- Understanding of scale and proportions.
Understanding of scale and proportion of objects, geometric composition, shape, building forms and elements, aesthetics, colour texture, harmony and contrast. Conceptualization and Visualization through structuring objects in memory. Drawing of patterns – both geometrical and abstract. Form transformations in 2D and 3D like union, subtraction, rotation, surfaces and volumes. Generating plan, elevation and 3D views of objects. Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shape and forms. Perspective drawing, Sketching of urban scape and landscape, Common day-to-day life objects like furniture, equipment etc., from memory.
Electrostatics- Electric charges and Fields; Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Current Electricity; Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism; Moving Charges and magnetism; Magnetism and Matter
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating currents- Electromagnetic Induction; Alternating Current Optics- Ray optics and optical instruments, Wave Optics
Dual nature of radiation and Matter
Atoms and Nuclei- Atoms, Nuclei
Electronic devices- Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple circuits
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry; Structure of Atom; Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular; States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Chemical Thermodynamics; Equilibrium; Redox Reactions; Hydrogen; s- Block Elements p -Block Elements
Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques; Hydrocarbons; Environmental Chemistry
Algebra: Definitions of A. P. and G.P.; General term; Summation of first n-terms of series ∑n, ∑n2,∑n3 ; Arithmetic/Geometric series, A.M., G.M. and their relation; Infinite G.P. series and its sum.
Logarithms: Definition; General properties; Change of base.
Matrices: Concepts of m x n (m ≤ 3, n ≤ 3) real matrices, operations of addition, scalar multiplication and multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix. Determinant of a square matrix. Properties of determinants (statement only). Minor, cofactor and adjoint of a matrix. Nonsingular matrix. Inverse of a matrix. Finding area of a triangle. Solutions of system of linear equations. (Not more than 3 variables).
Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions, addition and subtraction formulae, formulae involving multiple and submultiple angles, general solution of trigonometric equations. Properties of triangles, inverse trigonometric functions and their properties.
Coordinate geometry: Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle, condition of collinearity of three points in a plane. Polar coordinates, transformation from Cartesian to polar coordinates and vice versa. Parallel transformation of axes, concept of locus, elementary locus problems. Slope of a line. Equation of lines in different forms, angle between two lines. Condition of perpendicularity and parallelism of two lines. Distance of a point from a line. Distance between two parallel lines. Lines through the point of intersection of two lines. Equation of a circle with a given center and radius. Condition that a general equation of second degree in x, y may represent a circle. Equation of a circle in terms of endpoints of a diameter. Equation of tangent, normal and chord. Parametric equation of a circle. Intersection of a line with a circle. Equation of common chord of two intersecting circles.
3-Dimensional Co-ordinate geometry: Direction cosines and direction ratios, distance between two points and section formula, equation of a straight line, equation of a plane, distance of a point from a plane.
Theory of Calculus: Functions, composition of two functions and inverse of a function, limit, continuity, derivative, chain rule, derivative of implicit functions and functions defined parametrically. Integration as a reverse process of differentiation, indefinite integral of standard functions. Integration by parts. Integration by substitution and partial fraction. Definite integral as a limit of a sum with equal subdivisions. Fundamental theorem of integral calculus and its applications. Properties of definite integrals. Formation of ordinary, differential equations, solution of homogeneous differential equations, separation of variables method,
linear first order differential equations.
Application of Calculus: Tangents and normals, conditions of tangency. Determination of monotonicity, maxima and minima. Differential coefficient as a measure of rate. Motion in a straight line with constant acceleration. Geometric interpretation of definite integral as area, calculation of area bounded by elementary curves and Straight lines. Area of the region included between two elementary curves.
Permutation and combination: Permutation of n different things taken r at a time (r ≤ n). Permutation of n things not all different. Permutation with repetitions (circular permutation excluded). Combinations of n different things taken r at a time (r ≤ n). Combination of n things not all different. Basic properties. Problems involving both permutations and combinations.
Statistics and Probability: Measure of dispersion, mean, variance and standard deviation, frequency distribution. Addition and multiplication rules of probability, conditional probability and Bayes’ Theorem, independence of events, repeated independent trails and Binomial distribution.
Objects, texture related to architecture and built environment. Interpretation of pictorial compositions, Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawing. Visualizing different sides of 3D objects. Analytical reasoning, mental ability (visual, numerical and verbal), General awareness of national/ international architects and famous architectural creations.
Mathematical reasoning: Statements, logical operations like and, or, if and only if, implies, implied by. Understanding of tautology, converse, contradiction and contrapositive.
Sets and Relations: Idea of sets, subsets, power set, complement, union, intersection and difference of sets, Venn diagram, De Morgan’s Laws, Relation and its properties. Equivalence relation — definition and elementary examples.
Scoring Process
The Answer to each question in the ‘drawing’ paper will be examined by a panel of three examiners independently and the marks are averaged. It may be further subject to moderation. During the computer based test, with adaptive testing, an examinee is administered a set of questions with a difficulty level that is specifically designed to match the examinee’s ability level. The mathematical process for calculating a score in this situation incorporates the statistical properties of the questions, the examinee’s performance on the questions, and the number of questions that are answered. How the sections of the test are scored(A) Drawing Section: The primary emphasis in scoring the drawing section is on the candidate’s drawing, imagination and observation skills. The candidate’s sense of proportion & perspective is also evaluated together with sense for colour and composition. (B) Aesthetic Sensitivity Section
- The candidate’s score will depend on his / her performance on the questions given and on the number of questions answered in the time allotted.
- This section is computer adaptive, meaning that the computer selects questions based on the candidate’s performance on preceding questions (When correct answer is given, next question will be of higher difficulty level whereas, if wrong answer is given next question is of lower difficulty level) and on the requirements of the test design. Test design factors that influence which questions are presented to the candidate include:
- The statistical characteristics (including difficulty level) of the questions already answered.
- The required variety of question types.
- The appropriate coverage of content.
- The final score depends on average difficulty level of all questions and of those questions answered correctly. E.g. person with correct answer for less number of questions of higher difficulty level may score higher marks than someone who answers more number of questions correctly but of lower difficulty level.
- Time allotted to answer the question is 90 seconds. The time remaining to answer the question is displayed on the screen. The “per second” countdown begins 30 seconds before the allotted time for that question ends. In case no answer is offered till the time ends, the question is skipped and next question appears.
- There is no Negative marking in this test.
Score Card / Mark List
The score cards will be available on NATA website in e-format. Usually, the score cards will be posted on the website on the fourth working day after the test. The candidate, after fourth day may check his score directly from website giving his / her candidate ID. However, print out taken by the candidate of such score card will be only for reference and information. Candidate, however, may use print out of this score card while applying for the admission if the admission authority calls for the same. Original score card will be retrieved and verified by the admission authority directly from NATA server. Only the score card stored on NATA server is valid and no print/ hard copy will be considered valid. The NATA score shall be valid for a period of two years from the year in which the applicant appeared for the NATA Test. NOTE: Occasionally, delays in processing may occur. Some scores will not be available on the dates specified. Please check again. Only if the score card is still not seen after 7 days, we suggest the candidate to follow the process mentioned on the website Cumulative Reporting (Score Retention) NATA score reporting is cumulative. Current NATA policy states that the candidate’s scores are retained for the two years from the date of last test taken.
Applying to Institutions for Admission
As per Council of Architecture regulations, a candidate applying to any school / college of architecture in India should have 50% marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with mathematics as one of the subject and as per admission guidelines prescribed by CoA and have achieved 40% score in NATA, i.e. at least 80/200, for consideration of admission into first year of 5-year B.Arch. Degree Course.
Competent Authorities For Admission
The admissions shall be carried out by the Competent Authority i.e. Government or University, or such Authorities/Institutions Concerned (School/College of Architecture)/ Association or federation of Institutions (Schools/College of Architecture) as approved by the Government/University, based on the marks obtained in NATA and the qualifying examinations in the ratio of 50:50. The reservation policy for admission as applicable from time to time by the Central/State Government shall be followed. After receiving score card / Mark list and HSC / std XII results, the candidate may apply for admission to any of the participating institutions as per the time schedule specified by the appropriate admission authority, along with all the documents desired by it. Council of Architecture and NIASA, does not guarantee any admissions and is not involved with the admission procedure. Appearing at a particular center for the test does not imply that the candidate could be given any priority for admission to that institute.
Frequently Asked Questions
- By giving NATA, do I get automatic admission into any Architectural College in India? No. NATA is just an Aptitude Test. On receiving the Score Card, the candidate will have to contact various admission authorities with NATA Score Card and other details (as prescribed by the respective Admission Authorities). Admission in India lies with the State (usually under Directorate of Technical Education for that state). Usually around summer, Admission Authorities will bring out admission notices in National & Regional newspapers. The candidate may contact schools of architecture directly for information as to when the admission process is scheduled to begin.
- What is the last date for giving NATA? The last date for NATA would be 29th April 2018 subject to availability.The dates on which NATA is available depends on the Test Centre. Candidates may request Test Centres for the preferred dates. If the candidate is available for NATA only on a particular date (or range of dates) that a particular Test Centre is not able to give, the candidate may register at any other Test Centre throughout India that is able to administer NATA on that date / time. TEST CENTRE LOCATION HAS NO BEARING ON CHOICE OF ADMISSION AND APPEARING AT A PARTICULAR CENTER FOR THE TEST DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE CANDIDATE COULD BE GIVEN ANY PRIORITY FOR ADMISSION TO THAT INSTITUTE. The logical last date for giving NATA for candidates seeking admission this year itself would be 5 days before the last date for submitting application for admission under a particular Admission Authority. This varies from authority to authority.
- What is the meaning of Admission Authority? Admission Authority is a body, authorised by the Central/State Govt. / University to conduct and monitor admissions in that area. This may vary from the Directorate of Technical Education itself, a major University, Institution(s), a body created by an association of Architectural Schools in that State (eg. MASA), or any other Admission Authority recognised by the state. The candidate may be advised to check up in advance with Schools of Architecture where he / she is applying for the details of the admission authority and other information on the exact admission process.
- How do I practice for NATA? Where can I take tuitions? NATA is designed in such a manner that prior tutelage is not required. COA is aware that the candidates will have no or minimal knowledge of architecture. NATA measures aptitude of the candidate in his / her aesthetic sensibilities (3D visualisation, logical understanding, etc.) and drawing skills that are in-built in every candidate and developed right from childhood to the present day. There will be certain questions on architectural awareness wherein candidates may be required to identify building of national or international importance. The candidate is expected to know about these structures through General Knowledge. The candidate may also prefer to update his knowledge on this by some reading, internet browsing or even by talking to architectural students, architects and other knowledgeable persons. In all probability, this will not be required. There will be a model NATA interface available on the NATA website to help candidates get acquainted with the visual format of the test. There will be no model questions available as such. The language medium of the test will be English. Minimal computer skills are required (pointing and clicking Mouse buttons).
- I am a foreign student / NRI. Can I take the test from my country of residence? No. The candidate will have to register in India and give the test from any of the designated. Test centres of his / her choice in India. The qualification process for giving NATA stands the same. Admission will be given by the respective admission authorities according to the rules laid down by it for students of such category.
- If I belong to a particular quota (SC/ST/NT/etc.), do I get score waiver for NATA during admission? No.
- Are there any additional fees payable for training, etc? No training/coaching is allowed in Test Centres and no other fees payable for this exam. If any centre indulges is such practice or insists on additional fees or participation in training program, please report such incident to Council of Architecture or NIASA.
- Do I have to appear for NATA at the college where I aspire to take admission? No. You may appear for NATA at any Test center convenient to you. Based on the score you may seek admission to any college where you are eligible to seek admission.
- Whether old question papers are available? No. At NATA, question paper is unique of each candidate hence no old question papers can be made available.
For any other questions please register at NATA website ( and get into ‘Forum’ section. You can post your queries here. Please search before you post the query. It may be already raised by some other candidate and already answered.
Register for the Nata
Appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Register well in advance to get the candidate’s preferred test date.
NATA at a Glance
What is NATA? | The national aptitude test in architecture (NATA) measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e. Architecture |
Who is eligible for NATA? | Any person having passed SSC (Std X) or equivalent examination and above can appear for NATA. However, only candidates who have qualified an aptitude test in Architecture and have secured 50% marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects, shall be eligible for admission to B.Arch. Course. |
Where to appear for NATA? | At designated Test Centers located at centers/colleges/ schools of architecture in India. Updated list of Test centers is available at the website |
When to appear for NATA? | NATA can be given during the period on 19.04.2020 as per the per decided schedule of the designated Test Centers |
How to register for NATA? | Candidate can apply for registration for NATA 2020 online at website by paying fees of Rs.20.00 either through credit cards / debit cards / netbanking or can generate the challan for depositing the fees by way of cash in any of the branch of the ICICI Bank Ltd. all over India (processing charges extra). |
How to appear for NATA? | Report to the test center at least 60 minutes before scheduled time of test with Receipt cum Appointment voucher, valid photo ID in Original, Attested copy of SSC Mark Sheet and drawing material required for the test.Test Center personnel will guide you regarding the further process. |
When and where is the Score card available? | The score cards will be available on NATA website in e-format, usually, on the fourth working day after the test. |
What is the passing score at NATA? | As per Council of Architecture admission guidelines, a candidate applying to any school / college of architecture in India should have achieved 40% score in NATA, i.e. at least 80/200, for consideration of admission into first year B.Arch. |
Where can a candidate seek admission on the basis of NATA? | A candidate may apply for admission to any of the participating institutions as per the time schedule specified by the respective appropriate admission authority, along with all the documents desired by it. |
Career in Architecture
Careers in architecture offer young professionals a life of discovery, growth and personal development. An architectural education sets in motion a life-long learning process! Architecture is a career for people who love their work and a “job” is not their goal. This is so because as a follower in the studio young architects become leaders on site where drawings are transformed into reality and in society where they have a special lean on eternity. Salaries start low and grow with age and experience. Unlike fast-track fields, which start with high salaries and then hit a long plateau, and finally the older guys are pushed aside making way for the next generation, architects just continue to grow and to increase their quality of life. After age fifty architects form the highest paid group of self-employed professionals, often claiming fees of a Crore Rupees and above for a single commission!
10 Tips for How to Crack NATA
- The most common misconception among NATA aspirants is that if you draw well, then its half the battle won, which is totally false. Though good sketching is essential, the questions are framed to judge a candidates creativity, imagination, perception, visualization skills, observation, general awareness, analytical ability, sense of perspective drawing etc. So, developing these skills is equally important.
- Be Creative – Creativity is a mysterious trait. Many people have tried to define creativity in their own ways but there is no single universally accepted definition. It is difficult to summarize in a few lines but we can say that creativity is the ability to come up with new, original ideas which are not conventional. It is the breaking away from the stereotype, routine, accepted set of thoughts and possessing a deeper insight to problem solving. In short, a creative person experiences rebirth everyday with his or her ideas.
- Understand that yours drawing & creative skills are useless if you are not able to present your thoughts in the exam in the limited amount of time. You stand to lose marks for the questions you fail to answer or which are left incomplete, it doesn’t matter how good you are at your work. So speed is equally important.
- Go through all previous papers of NATA. Solve at least 10- 20 past papers within the time limit. Find out a comfortable sequence of answering the paper
- Don’t practice in A3 size sketch books. Work in A4 size as that is normally the standard size of answer sheets in the examinations.
- Find your own deep and compelling reason to successfully clear NATA. Motivate yourself. Work with enthusiasm & you will be amazed at your ideas & creations. If you are faced with a mental block, breathe deeply, relax and then try to answer the question.
- In questions requiring drawing, always draw with a light hand first, doing mainly the outlining without the details. When you are satisfied with the proportions & the rough outline, you may finalize. You will save a lot of time that students normally waste in erasing & re-drawing.
- Practice more with dry mediums (colors), as they are convenient to use and take less time in exams.
- For XII class students: Plan your time well for NATA preparation if you are also preparing for other entrance exams along with NATA. Use your time effectively with a time table.
- Start preparing early: Don’t start your preparations after you finish your XII boards – The earlier you start, better for you
India Habitat Centre, Core 6A, 1st Floor,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 India
Specific Query related to NATA-2020 Examination
Email: [email protected]
Help Desk Phone: +91 9319275557, +91 7303487773 (Time:10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.)
NATA Results 2018
NATA Score 163.5
NATA Score 150

NATA Score 140

NATA Score 139.5
NATA Score 137.5
South Ex
NATA Score 135.25

NATA Score 133.75

NATA Score 133

NATA Score 133
NATA Score 130
NATA Score 127

NATA Score 125.5

NATA Score 125

NATA Score 123.5
NATA Score 122
South Ex
NATA Score 121
NATA Score 121
NATA Score 119.75
South Ex

NATA Score 119

NATA Score 118.5
NATA Score 117.75

NATA Score 117.5
NATA Score 117.5
NATA Score 116.5
NATA Score 116.5
South Ex

NATA Score 116
NATA Score 116
South Ex
NATA Score 115
NATA Score 114
South Ex
NATA Score 114
NATA Score 114

NATA Score 114

NATA Score 113
NATA Score 113
NATA Score 113
NATA Score 112
NATA Score 111
NATA Score 111
NATA Score 110.5
NATA Score 110
NATA Score 110

NATA Score 109
NATA Score 109
South Ex
NATA Score 108.25
South Ex

NATA Score 108.5

NATA Score 107.5
NATA Score 107.5
NATA Score 107

NATA Score 106
NATA Score 105

NATA Score 104.5
NATA Score 104
NATA Score 104
NATA Score 103.5
NATA Score 103
NATA Score 102.5
NATA Score 102.5
NATA Score 102

NATA Score 100

NATA Score 100
NATA Score 100
NATA Score 100
NATA Score 99.5
South Ex
NATA Score 99
South Ex

NATA Score 99
NATA Score 98.5
South Ex
NATA Score 98
NATA Score 97.5
South Ex
NATA Score 96.75
South Ex

NATA Score 96
NATA Score 96
NATA Score 96
NATA Score 95.75

NATA Score 95.5
NATA Score 95
NATA Score 94.75
NATA Score 94.25
NATA Score 94
NATA Score 93
NATA Score 92.75
NATA Score 92.25
NATA Score 92.5

NATA Score 92
NATA Score 92
NATA Score 92

NATA Score 91.25

NATA Score 91
NATA Score 90.5
NATA Score 90
NATA Score 90
NATA Score 89.5

NATA Score 89
NATA Score 88.75
NATA Score 88.25
South Ex
NATA Score 87.5
NATA Score 87

NATA Score 86

NATA Score 86
NATA Score 85
NATA Score 83.5
South Ex
NATA Score 83
South Ex
NATA Score 80
NATA Score 79.5

NATA Score 79
NATA Score 78
NATA Score 78
NATA Score 77
NATA Score 76
NATA Score 76

NATA Score 76

NATA Score 75
NATA Score 74
NATA Score 74

NATA Score 74
NATA Score 73.75

NATA Score 73.5
NATA Score 72.25

NATA Score 71.75
NATA Score 62

——NATA Results 2015—— |

——NATA Results 2014—— |