Pahal Design

UCEED / CEED / NID / NIFT / NATA / JEE B.Arch Mock Test

Please fill the below registration form to perform 2 free UCEED / CEED / NID / NIFT / NATA / JEE B.Arch Mock Test.
Pahal Design has announced 2 free UCEED Mock Test, CEED Mock Test, NID Mock Test, NIFT Mock Test, NATA Mock Test, and JEE B.Arch Mock Test for Design Aspirants to prepare the entrance exam. They can take a Mock test based on UCEED, CEED, NID, NIFT, NATA and JEE B.Arch new exam pattern. You can reach to nearby Pahal Design Centres for this mock test where they will get feedback after the exam and also experts will guide them do’s and don’ts during the exam. You can register yourself prior or take an appointment before coming to any nearest 30 centres across India.

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