Programmes |
Mode of Written Examination |
B.Des | Only Paper Based Test(PBT) on 10 Feb. 2013 | CAT GAT |
10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. |
B.F.Tech | Paper Based Test(PBT) on 10 Feb. 2013 or Computer Based Test on 06 & 07 April 2013 |
GAT | 10.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m. |
M.Des | Only Paper Based Test(PBT) on 10 Feb. 2013 | CAT GAT |
10.00 a.m.- 01.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. |
M.F.M. | Paper Based Test(PBT) on 10 Feb. 2013 or Computer Based Test on 06 & 07 April 2013 |
GAT | 10.00 a.m.- 01.00 p.m. |
M.F.Tech | Paper Based Test(PBT) on 10 Feb. 2013 or Computer Based Test on 06 & 07 April 2013 |
GAT | 10.00 a.m.- 01.00 p.m. |
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Entrance Examination
This year B.FTech., M.F.M. and M.FTech candidates have an option to opt for Paper Based Test (PBT) OR Computer Based Test (CBT). For B.Des and M.Des, only PBT will be administered. Based on the choice, all eligible candidates will have to appear for a written entrance examination at the Examination Centres opted by them. The written entrance examination is designed to test the knowledge, skill and aptitude of the candidates for the programme opted.The objective type tests are subject to negative marking at the rate of 0.25 for each wrong answer. Each right answer will be awarded 1 mark.Mobiles and other infotech gadgets are not allowed inside Examination Centre campuses. The candidate found with mobile or other infotech gadgets will be asked to leave the examination and will be disqualified.
Computer Based Test (CBT)
The Computer Based Test will be conducted only for B.FTech., M.F.M. and M.FTech. It will be held on 6th & 7th April, 2013. They can opt either for PBT or CBT. The candidates must indicate their choice of giving the CBT at the time of applying itself whether applying online or manually (Item 10). The examination centres will be displayed on the website at a later date (the centres for CBT may be only at few NIFT Centres). They can register for the centre when it is announced in the month of February 2013. The programme wise schedule of CBT indicating date and time will be available at NIFT website.CBT assumes that the candidate has basic familiarity with use of computers like use of keyboard and mouse operation. It is the responsibility of the candidate to acquire these skills before appearing in the test and NIFT cannot take responsibility for the same.
In case you require any clarification regarding the online registration please send e-mail to [email protected] or contact Tele# (011) 47673039 Timing: 10.00am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-4.00pm (Monday to Friday).
Candidates for B.Des and M.Des will not have the CBT.
The weightage assigned to each test in the final merit list of the entrance examination will be as under:
50% 30% 20% |
B.F.Tech | GAT | 100% |
30% 40% 15% 15% |
70% 15% 15% |
70% 15% 15% |
In case of the score being equal, the older candidate according to the date of birth will be given preference.
Application Form Available Online | 06 November, 2012 to 14 January, 2013 |
Last Date of submission | 14th January, 2013 |
Availability of Admit Card | On or After 30 January 2012 (1400 hours) |
Paper Based Test(PBT) Entrance Examination for All Programmes(BDES/BFTECH/MFM/MDES/MFTECH) | 10 February, 2013 (Sunday) |
Computer Based Test(CBT) Entrance Examination | 6th and 7th April 2013 (for admission to BFTech, MFTech and MFM) |
Entrance Examination Result | 15 April 2013 |
Situation Test/GD/Interviews | April – May, 2013 |
Declaration of Final Results | End of May, 2013 / June, 2013 |
Counselling | June, and July, 2013 (Dates and mode will be intimated on the NIFT website in April) |
The seats reserved for SC / ST / Physically Handicapped Candidates (PHP) / Foreign Nationals / SAARC / NRI, in each programme are as under:
- SC 15%
- ST 7.5%
- Physically Handicapped (with 40% or more disability) 3% – Horizontal reservation for physically handicapped candidates cutting across all sections i.e. SCs, STs, OBCs Non-Creamy and General category. Centres and programmes will be allotted on rotation, at NIFT’s discretion.
- Foreign Nationals/SAARC/NRI 15% (supernumerary)
- State Domiciles 20% (supernumerary)
Category once filled up in the application form will not be changed at any stage.
The qualifying candidates need to meet the eligibility and admission requirements of NIFT. Requirements of each category are as follows:
SC/ST Candidates
Candidates applying under this reserved quota will have to produce a Caste/Tribe certificate from the Competent Authorities of the respective States/Union Territories/ National Commission of Tribes.
OBC Candidates
Candidates applying under this quota would have to satisfy the caste and creamy layer requirement details. National Commission for Backward Class (NCBC) website may be seen for reference: (a) (b) Candidates applying under this quota would have to produce a caste certificate from the Competent Authorities of the respective States/Union Territories certifying that they do not belong to the creamy layer.
PHP Candidates
Candidates seeking admission under physically handicapped quota must produce a Disability Certificate at the time of counselling issued by the Medical Board attached with the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre (VRC) working under the Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. To prevent disappointment, candidates are advised to have themselves examined by VRC especially under following cases:
1. Visual Impairment – Visual acuity less than 6/60 (VH) or 20/200 (Snellen) with correcting lens (Blind by one or both eyes are not eligible).
2. Hearing Impairment – Hearing loss of 60 db or (HH) more, in both ears (100% hearing impairment are not eligible).
3. Mild Mental Retardation – I.Q. between 51 to 70 only.
(See list of VRC – Annexure I)
NIFT reserves the right to disqualify the candidature in case of inability of the candidate to perform for a particular programme. Certain subject in various programmes at NIFT have specific skill building and machine operating requirements and candidates seeking admission to NIFT in this category are requested to ascertain the same at the time of counselling with NIFT authorities to avoid disappointment.
- The required certificate (s) for reserved categories / classes will be essential at the time of the counselling / admission and no provisional admission shall be granted for want of caste/category certificate from the local competent authority. Further, the caste/category certificate has to be in the name of candidate himself/ herself and not in favour of respective parents/ guardians.
- In case of married women applying to any course under reserved category, she has to produce the caste certificate in her own name. Certificate in the name of husband / mother/ father is not acceptable.
Mode of Payment : Credit Cards/Debit Cards /e-transfer & Cash Challan
(A) Credit Cards /Debit Cards Payments of application fee (1100/- or 550/-) + applicable bank charges can be made through credit cards / debit cards as explained during the process of online application.(B) E-transfer(Net Banking): Payments of application fee (1100/- or 550/-) + applicable bank charges can be made through e-transfer as explained during the process of online application. Transfer from any Union Bank of India account will be free of charge.
(C) Cash challan: Applicants having no credit/ debit cards can also avail the facility of online admission by depositing application fee in cash at any Branch of the UNION BANK OF INDIA across the country. The list of UBI branches and their location can be seen at If the student opts for payment through cash, the student has to initially fill all the particulars in the online admission application form and submit. The computer will generate an automatic control number which the student should note for future reference. The format of Cash Challan for deposit in cash will appear on the screen in option of payments. The student should take a printout of the filled in challan form which will be containing two copies. On payment of the cash, the said banks will retain one copy of the challan and return back Student Copy to the student after filling in the transaction number. The bank will update the payment of amount and candidate need not send a hard copy of the same.The candidate must deposit the fees with the challan in any branch of UBI bank on next or subsequent days of filling application form. The registration will be complete only after depositing the fees.
On the basis of information given in the NIFT Application Form, Admit Card of provisionally eligible candidates will be available for download from from 30.01.2013 onwards. Admit card will not be sent by Post. Candidates are advised to regularly check NIFT website for updates.Source and Copyright –
For Bachelor Programmes :
Maximum age: 23 years as on 1st October, 2012 i.e. born on or after 1st October, 1989 subject to following qualifications:Eligibility for Bachelor Programmes – Design – B.Des. (Fashion Design / Leather Design / Accessory Design / Textile Design / Knitwear Design / Fashion Communication)
- The +2 level examination in the 10+2 pattern of examination of any recognised Central/State Board of Secondary Examination, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and Council for Indian School of Certificate Examination, New Delhi or
- General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri-Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level or
- Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in Foreign countries recognised by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 system or
- A pass grade in the Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects or
- 3 or 4-years diploma recognised by AICTE or a State Board of Technical Education.
Eligibility for Bachelor Programme – Technology Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) (B.FTech.)
- The +2 level examination in the 10+2 pattern of examination of any recognised Central/State Board of Secondary Examination, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and Council for Indian School of Certificate Examination, New Delhi with Physics, Chemistry and Maths or
- General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri- Lanka) at the advanced (A) level with Physics, Chemistry and Maths or
- Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in foreign countries recognised by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 system with Physics, Chemistry and Maths or
- A pass grade in the Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects with Physics, Chemistry and Maths or
- 3 or 4-years diploma recognised by AICTE or a State Board of Technical Education (Engineering background). For Master Programmes : Age – No age limit
Eligibility for Master Programme – Design M.Des (Master of Design)
- Undergraduate Degree from any institute / university recognized by law in India or
- Diploma in UG Design from NIFT/NID only. (Design Space is an advanced course that demands an understanding of fundamentals in design and presupposes that candidates would be familiar with the basic skills and theories for successful completion of the programme. M.Des. would not provide any basic knowledge and skill development in design as a part of Master programme. The programme provides an option to students to earn final semester credits through ‘Course Work’ or ‘Dissertation’).
Eligibility for Master Programme – Management M.F.M (Master of Fashion Management)
- Undergraduate Degree from any Institute / University recognised by law in India. or • Undergraduate Diploma of minimum three years duration from NIFT / NID.
Eligibility for Master Programme – Technology M.F.Tech. (Master of Fashion Technology)
- B.F.Tech. from NIFT or
- B.E / B.Tech. from any Institute / University recognised by law in India.
1. Candidates appearing in the qualifying examination are also eligible to apply provided:
- (a) That they produce a proof of having acquired minimum prescribed qualifications at the time of counselling/admission. or
- (b) If the 12th class/final year/final semester (as the case may be) result of qualifying degree/certificate examination is not declared by the concerned Board/University till the date of counselling/admission, his/her admission in that case will be strictly provisional subject to the following conditions:
- (i) Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- in the prescribed Proforma (please see Annexure –II) is submitted. In case the candidate is minor i.e. below 18 years of age, the affidavit shall be signed by his/her parent/guardian. Candidates/ parent /guardians may note that submission of false affidavit is a punishable offence;
- (ii) The candidate will submit the final result of qualifying degree/certificate providing his/her eligibility on or before 30th September, 2013 to their Centre Director / Jt. Director where the admission has been granted.
- (iii) In case the candidate fails to submit his/her final result of qualifying degree in the manner as prescribed at (ii) above to prove his/her eligibility on or before 30th September, 2013, whatsoever the reason may be, his/her admission will be treated as null and void (cancelled) and entire fee will be forfeited. Any exception will be as per decision of DG on a case to case basis.
- (iv) The Centre Director / Jt. Director will be responsible to ensure that the eligibility of all students meet prescribed qualification for admission specially incase of provisional students. The provisional admission will automatically stand cancelled if the candidate fails to submit result in time i.e. 30th September, 2013.
- (v) Those candidates who are seeking provisional admission due to non-declaration of their final year/final semester/12th class (please see Annexure -II) will provide proof of having passed all papers in all the previous years /semesters of qualifying degree examination (whichever relevant).
- (vi) The candidates will also bring the datesheet /admit card/ principal’s certificate as proof of having appeared in the qualifying exam.
- (vii) Candidates who have appeared for compartment/ Supplementary examination(s) in the 12th standard or final semester/ final year of graduation and the result of the same is not declared by the time of counseling/ admission, such candidates will be considered for admission as per para 1 (b) (ii) above, for the academic session 2013-14.
2. Any candidate who has not appeared for the qualifying exam before the date of counselling/ admission to NIFT, will not be eligible.
3. It is further clarified that provisional admission will be considered only in such cases where the result of Final year/semester of the qualifying degree has not been declared by the concerned Board/University in its totality. In case the result has been declared by the concerned Board/ University but it has not been declared in a specific case, for any reason, such cases will NOT be considered under provisional admission category.
The result of the entrance examination will be displayed on the NIFT website on 15.4.2013. The result and call for subsequent tests will only be available on NIFT website.
On the basis of result of written test GAT and CAT, B.Des and M.Des candidates will be called for second test called Situation Test. On the basis of result of PBT/CBT (GAT), M.Des., M.F Tech and MFM candidates will be called for Group Discussion/Personal Interview. Approx four times the number of the seats in the programme candidates are called for GD&PI. They are required to attend as the case may be to complete the process of selection.
The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria for admission to the examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination for which they are admitted by NIFT viz. Written Test, Situation Test, Group Discussion and Interview (as the case may be) will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after the Written Test, Situation Test, Group Discussion and Interview (as the case may be), it is found that candidate does not fulfil any eligibility criteria, his/her candidature for the examination shall stand cancelled without any notice or further reference. NIFT shall not be liable for any consequences on account of such cancellations.
Source and Copyright – NIFT Website